Is Tech Making Botox Better or Worse?

Frowning and squinting is part of routine expressions in human life. These constant muscle contractions can lead to wrinkles between the eyebrows, crows’ feet around the eyes, and horizontal forehead lines. Botox (botulinum toxin) injections are highly used injectables to reduce the appearance of these lines and wrinkles that could be a part of the aging process. It works by temporarily numbing the muscle movements in the target region. With the advancements in technology, Botox has been employed to be used across many other skin issues.

How does Botox work?

Botox injections are a quick and pain-free process that lasts for a maximum of an hour. Results are seen in 3 days after the procedure but it will take some more days to see the complete effects of Botox that lasts for approximately 3 to 12 months. Botox is injected directly into the target muscle that relaxes and smoothens the appearance of the surrounding skin when performed by an injecting expert.

What are the advanced uses of Botox?


Patients having a chin with mentalis issue will have a scrotal appearance. Mentalis is a muscle that develops from the inside part of the jaw and goes into the skin that is easily found during contraction. Botox will be administered into the center part of the muscle as per expert supervision. If it is performed by an inexperienced injector it can lead to asymmetry of the lower lip and mouth due to numbing of the depressor labii. But it can be resolved by injecting the contralateral depressor labii to make both sides even.

Depressor Anguli Oris or DAO:

The depressor anguli Oris (DAO) performs by depressing the adjacent corners of the mouth. In several patients, Botox is employed to support this region and restore a proper structure to the mouth corners. But some patients benefit from small units of Botox along with other fillers. This aids in igniting the elevators to restructure the mouth in a more proper position.

Generally, there are 2 methods to administer the injection site for the DAO. The primary one is to track the path of the nasolabial crease internally to the mandible corners where DAO begins. The second one involves a functional test and needs the patient to frown. This is key to activate the muscle involved and provide accurate administration.

As the origin of the DAO is found, appropriate units of Botox will be given on every side to reduce its activity. This injection method is complicated and must not be implemented by beginners. Even highly experienced injectors must be well aware of all the complexities as it may lead to asymmetry in lips that could be annoying for patients. Such complications are discussed before the injections and must not be performed if the patients have any kind of concerns.


This is a muscle that is present on the neck and can be addressed while the patients are undergoing facial treatments with any kind of fillers. This is beneficial during the process as they have platysmal banding. This muscle will be administered with an appropriate amount of Botox injections to reduce the appearance of these bands. Injections must be administered appropriately and they must be accurately given to the muscle region. There should be optimal care to not use any large doses of Botox in a single session since it may lead to the unintentional treatment of the strap muscles of the neck as a complication from this issue.

Orbicularis Oris: 

This muscle is present around the mouth and is responsible for lip pursing and after some time can lead to etched lines around the mouth. Ablative laser resurfacing can limit the issues, but the original orbicularis muscle actions can cause them to be appearing again. They can be treated using Hyaluronic acid fillers as per expert advice. While treating this issue, Botox is injected in the specific locations to have fruitful results. Along with the effect of reducing the pursing activity, these fillers may develop a kind of lip effect causing the appearance of enlarged lips.

The process of administering Botox into the lip region is simple but effective. The patients will be asked to pursue their lips that will lead to contraction of the skin from the muscles and clearly show the appearance of these fine lines. Botox will be injected into each part of the lip in appropriate amounts causing smoothening of the lines. While this process seems to be relatively simple in the hands of an experienced injector, inexperience will cause adverse effects. This treatment is not suggested for people who perform special activities with their lips like playing wind instruments or scuba diving etc. This treatment involves avoiding certain specific activities drinking liquids using a straw for few days.

Lower face asymmetry:

Modern advancements and researches have shown that Botox can be useful in treating issues related to facial asymmetry. These patients have responded well to Botox injections by an expert injector. But it will require a clear knowledge about the facial structure to execute the injections perfectly. Appropriate administration of these injections will lead to matching the expected results of the patients by reducing the facial asymmetry. There should be a step-by-step approach since you will not have any fixed approach to every patient.

Providing the advanced Botox injections with precise knowledge and accurate satisfaction will enhance the outcomes among patients. While modern technology and research have aided them to work along with a blend with other techniques, inexperience or negligence will always have a risk of adverse effects.

Bottom line:

With all these benefits, Botox has seen many extra benefits, along with the treatment for fine lines, wrinkles, crows’ feet, etc. But you have to be guaranteed to know the ins and out of the treatment and the knowledge of facial anatomy to deliver accurate results. Vyla aesthetics by Amanda is well known for Advanced aesthetic treatments that easily rejuvenate your youthful appearance by increasing your skin’s natural properties.


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