Side table in waiting room at Vyla Aesthetics

Kybella in Park City, UT


You may not know what “submental fullness” means, but you’re probably familiar with its more common term: double chin. It’s often associated with weight gain, but the truth is that it can be caused by genetics or aging, too. Whatever the cause, it’s clear that this condition makes many women self-conscious about their appearance.

Vyla Aesthetics offers Kybella as a way to contour away a double chin. Kybella is a safe, FDA-approved injectable treatment made of synthetic deoxycholic acid. It’s a molecule that works naturally in the body to break down and absorb fat. With Kybella, the acid works to break down the fat in the specific area it’s injected into the double chin.

Here’s the best part: once Kybella destroys those fat cells, they are never coming back. The acid and the fat cells are naturally cleared by the body.

Kybella treatments take less than an hour. Plus, there’s no extended recovery period needed. You can expect to see the full results of the treatment in 4-6 weeks. Most patients see the aesthetic results they want in just 2-4 treatments.