Does Kybella Work On Love Handles?

The fat on the sides and back of your hips is usually easy to accumulate and hard to be eliminated. Even rigorous workouts targeting love handles aren’t highly effective. It has been proven that it’s not possible to induce spot fat reduction in your body to eliminate the fat from precise regions with strict workouts or diets. Any kind of workout or diet plan can show fat reduction effects in several regions, but regularly maintaining a very low body fat percentage is not easy and also not healthy. Both men and women struggle with this problem region, but both can benefit from the latest fat removal treatments like Kybella.

About Kybella:

Kybella (deoxycholic acid) injection is employed for improvement in the appearance of moderate to severe fat reduction of double chin in adults. Kybella is a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, which is a naturally present substance that helps the body to absorb fat. This procedure with Kybella is fast, needs no downtime, and damages the fat cells. Kybella destroys the cell membranes that store fat and the cells lose their ability to accumulate fat and the natural healing process of the human body takes over. Dead cells are removed from the body in around four to six weeks as the fat deposits are decreased or removed over the course. Kybella is approved by FDA to be utilized only for double chin among individuals over 18 years of age. Kybella is inserted beneath the chin permanently to diminish fat cells and give a defined appearance.

Kybella For Other Regions In The Body Like Love Handles:

  • While there is no FDA approval for Kybella in other regions, there are several off-label benefits that are gaining importance from aesthetic experts and beauty lovers. We are aware that Kybella eliminates fat carefully by eliminating the fat cells and letting the body absorb them, and the fat will vanish forever. It is a non-surgical but minimally-invasive procedure to eliminate fat and hence experts started its usage on other body areas. Kybella is at present employed in the double chin area, which traditionally could only be treated with liposuction or other surgical treatments.

  • As Kybella includes fat-dissolving properties, several skilled aestheticians are administering Kybella in other fatty regions. Kybella is helpful for superficial fat around the love handles. To carry off-label use of Kybella, it is key to have the suitable candidate with the right body weight and overall health. It’s best suited for individuals who are having ideal weight but facing trouble in reducing fat in specific areas like love handles regardless of their amount of doing exercise and having the right diet. Kybella has shown positive results in off-label usage to treat this small amount of fat in the form of pockets that is considered not large enough of an issue to need liposuction or other kinds of surgery.

Are There Any Side Effects?

There may be some amount of soreness after the Kybella treatment which will fade off easily. You can decrease the pain by taking over-the-counter painkillers. There may be some amount of swelling and bruising straight after the injections. You may see some amount of irritation after the injections, but it will be eliminated easily.

The bruising and swelling may last from one to three days and also a few weeks before it gets back to normal. Even though it is rare, but few individuals may feel some amount of numbness in the region with stiff feeling in the target region where injections were administered. Usually, this kind of adverse effect is faded off in around 20 days until which patients have stated slight irritation in the region.

How Long Does It Take To See The Results Of Kybella Treatment?

It takes around four to six weeks after a Kybella session to observe the expected results. Usually, there may be multiple treatment sessions needed to get desired results. Few individuals get rid of desired fat in one session. Additional treatments required to remove the double chin are done with a gap of 8-10 weeks. Does Kybella Work On Love Handles Once you see the results there will not be the requirement of any maintenance sessions in the future similar to a double chin. You can relish the results by following a healthy workout regime and diet

Benefits Over Other Surgical Procedures:

  • The best benefit of Kybella is that the eliminated fat cells are not able to store or accumulate fat, so there will be no further treatment needed once the anticipated aesthetic goal is achieved.

  • Kybella is an easy and proven procedure for removing fat and giving the best definition to the target area. As Kybella uses a substance that is present naturally in the body to remove fat cells, the risk of any adverse effects to the procedure is minimal. It is a successful, long-term treatment for unwanted fat as you achieve similar results like a surgical process without any adverse effects.

  • As there are several risks associated with the usage of general anesthesia, liposuction is can be looked at as a surgical method. While the risks may be low compared to a big surgery, they do exist, along with discomfort, infection, bleeding, and many others. The only numbing agent used in Kybella is either a local or topical substance for decreasing the negligible pain during the procedure.

  • Multiple Kybella treatments may be needed to get desired results, but they are usually fast and let the patients go back to their routine immediately with minimal side effects that are not indications to worry about. On the other hand, liposuction will demand you to take off from your daily activities on the day and for few days after the treatment.

Final Thoughts:

Each body type is different and the same thing implies the aesthetic goals for your appearance. If you’re trying to get rid of the annoying love handles, speak with aesthetic experts at Vyla aesthetics to find which treatment would suit best for your skin and body type.


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