What are the Differences Between Restylane and Sculptra Dermal Fillers?

For some people, dermal fillers are a “fountain of youth.” Sculptra and Restylane are known as two of the most popular types of dermal fillers on the market today. Each has a legion of loyal followers and experts backing up its claims on either brand, which can confuse those who are trying dermal fillers for the first time.

If you’re considering getting a Restylane or Sculptra injection, you probably have some questions. It can be challenging to choose which dermal filler is suitable for your pre-existing issues, so the goal of this informative blog post is to discuss the top differences between Restylane and Sculptra.

We hope that by reading this article, you will have gained enough insight to make an informed, confident decision.

Dermal Fillers in a Nutshell

To better understand Sculptra vs. Restylane, it might be helpful to first get a refresher on dermal fillers in general. Dermal fillers are gel-like substances injected into the skin to fill wrinkles, fine lines, and creases.

Dermal fillers can achieve several results, such as fuller lips, lifted cheeks, or a more youthful appearance. Each type of dermal filler is composed of different materials, meaning they each have unique purposes and effects.

Today, the most common cosmetic dermal fillers are Sculptra, Restylane, Juvederm, and Radiesse. Sculptra and Restylane are two of the most popular dermal fillers, so let’s take a closer look at each one.

Sculptra Explained

Sculptra is a popular dermal filler that works to add volume to your face and correct the signs of aging, such as wrinkles and creases. It is made from poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), derived from natural sugars in the body. The collagen fibers created by Sculptra stimulate the body’s collagen production, which naturally thickens skin over time.

Sculptra is so popular because it can provide long-lasting results. Sculptra dermal filler injections typically last between two to five years. In contrast, other dermal fillers only last 6 to 12 months.

Sculptra is injected into the deeper layers of the skin, so results may not be immediately visible. Sculptra works gradually to add volume to the face, so it may take a few weeks or months to see the full effects.

Restylane Explained

Restylane is a hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler to treat wrinkles and fine lines. It can also add volume to lips, the chin, or cheeks.

Restylane was the first HA filler on the market and remained one of the most popular. This dermal filler contains a naturally occurring sugar found in your skin, making it an excellent alternative for patients allergic to other fillers.

This dermal filler is known among medical professionals for its versatility. Restylane can treat issues such as crow’s feet, marionette lines, and nasolabial folds.

Like Sculptra, Restylane is injected into the deeper layers of the skin. Results are not immediate, but you should start to see a difference within a few weeks.

Sculptra vs. Restylane: The Pros

The main advantage of Sculptra is that it’s a longer-lasting treatment than Restylane, as it stimulates your body’s own collagen production and gradually continues to add volume to your face over time. You’ll need initial and additional treatments for maintenance every six months or so.

Restylane, on the other hand, provides immediate results but only lasts about six months before starting to wear off — unless you opt for additional treatment or have another filler injected into the same area at some point in the future.

Sculptra vs. Restylane: The Cons

Restylane and Sculptra are dermal fillers that can help restore volume to the face and correct the signs of aging. The main difference between these two products is that Sculptra is designed to last longer and provide more dramatic results than Restylane.

One of the main disadvantages of Sculptra is that it can take up to several weeks or even months to see results, whereas Restylane provides immediate results. So, Sculptra might not be the best option if you need a quick fix for an upcoming event.

Sculptra also requires more treatments than Restylane — typically three treatments over a few months, compared to one treatment with Restylane. So Sculptra can be more expensive in the long run, even though it lasts longer.

Another downside of Sculptra is that it’s not as widely available as Restylane. Sculptra is only available through certain medical professionals, whereas Restylane is more widely available.

On the other hand, the main disadvantage of Restylane is that it doesn’t last as long as Sculptra — typically only about six months. So, Sculptra might be a better option if you’re looking for a longer-term solution.

Restylane is also not as popular as Sculptra, so many people are still wary of its reputation compared to Sculptra.

If you’re unsure which dermal filler suits you, talk to a medical professional for their opinion.

Are They Safe?

Restylane and Sculptra are known to be safe and effective dermal fillers. Restylane has been used for over 20 years, and Sculptra has been used for over 10 years. Both of these products are made from natural ingredients in your body, so there is little to no risk of an allergic reaction.

As with any injection, there is a risk of bruising, swelling, or infection at the injection site. But these side effects are usually mild and temporary. If you’re considering getting a dermal filler, talk to a medical professional to see if Restylane or Sculptra is right for you.


Restylane and Sculptra are very effective in ensuring that you look youthful and have a well-rested appearance. Both of these products are safe and effective, so talk to a medical professional to see which one is right for your needs and preference. Both dermal fillers offer different things to the table aside from their unique selling points.

On that note, Vyla Aesthetics offers top-quality Sculptra sessions that will give you the youthful look you desire and long for. They also offer other equally effective cosmetic procedures that are all painless, and the results are long-lasting. Say goodbye to exhausting looks with Vyla Aesthetics!


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