Is Kybella the Best Cosmetic Procedure Available to Get Rid of Your Double Chin?

For some people, having a double chin is as bad as having wrinkles on their face. They hate it because it ruins the visuals they see in front of the mirror and affects their self-confidence. They tend to pick on clothes that hide their double chins, or they might use highlighters and other makeup techniques to make their chin area look slimmer. In short, they go out of their way to avoid drawing attention to their double chin.

Thankfully, we have technological innovations that can now solve this problem. One of those is Kybella, and many experts see this as an excellent solution for getting rid of double chins. Kybella is a treatment that is said to be the best for getting rid of your double chin.

Many people prefer Kybella because of its overall efficiency, and they ultimately see Kybella as a solution to their problems. Is Kybella really the best cosmetic procedure available in the market today to eliminate double chins? Let’s find out in this article.

Kybella Explained

Kybella is a treatment that uses deoxycholic acid, a naturally-occurring molecule in the body that eventually aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. Kybella is injected into the submental area, or “double chin” region, to destroy fat cells.

Once those fat cells are destroyed, they can no longer store or accumulate fat, so further treatment is unnecessary. Kybella treatments usually last for about 15-20 minutes, and the number of treatments required will be based on the amount of stubborn fat under the chin and your goals for improvement.

The FDA has cleared Kybella as a safe and effective treatment for moderate to severe fat below the chin, also known as submental fat.

How Kybella Works

You first need to consult with a Kybella-certified physician to see if Kybella is the proper treatment for you. The physician will need to assess the amount of fat under your chin and your skin’s elasticity.

Once it is determined that Kybella is the proper treatment for you, the Kybella-certified physician will mark the injection sites on your chin. Kybella is injected into the submental area using an excellent needle.

The Kybella-certified physician will then massage the injection site to help distribute the Kybella evenly throughout the treatment area. Kybella treatments usually last for about 15 to 20 minutes, and the number of treatments required will be based on the amount of fat under the chin and your goals for improvement.

Depending on the doctor’s recommendations, Kybella treatments are usually given 4 to 6 weeks apart. Kybella treatments are typically given in a series of 2 to 6 sessions.

Results and Reaction Time

You can see the results from Kybella treatments as soon as 2 to 4 weeks after the first treatment. However, the full results from Kybella treatments are usually seen 6 to 8 weeks after the final treatment. Kybella results are long-lasting and are not affected by weight gain or loss.

Even though it is not affected by weight gain, you must still continue living a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise and a healthy and balanced diet. This is important because Kybella only destroys the fat cells in the treatment area. Kybella does not prevent the body from creating new fat cells.

Benefits of Kybella

Of course, one of the significant benefits of Kybella is that the fat under your neck and chin is gone for good. As mentioned earlier, Kybella treatments destroy the fat cells in the Kybella-treated area. Kybella does not prevent the body from creating new fat cells. Still, the Kybella-treated area will no longer have any fat cells to store or accumulate fat.

Kybella is also a minimally-invasive procedure that does not require any anesthesia or surgery. Kybella is injected into the submental area using a fine needle, and Kybella treatments usually only last for about 15 to 20 minutes.

Another benefit of Kybella is that it has little to no downtime. You may experience some redness, swelling, and bruising at the Kybella injection sites. Still, these side effects are usually mild and temporary. Kybella treatments are typically given 4 to 6 weeks apart to allow the body to break down and absorb the fat cells that have been destroyed.

Lastly, the results last a long time, for up to 2 years or more with Kybella. Compared to liposuction, Kybella is a much less invasive procedure with minimal downtime. Kybella also does not require any anesthesia or surgery, reducing the risks associated with Kybella treatments.

Possible Risks and Side Effects

Even though Kybella has a lot of benefits that many people love, we cannot forget that Kybella is still a medical procedure with potential risks and side effects.

The most common side effect of Kybella is swelling, bruising, and redness at the Kybella injection sites. These side effects are usually mild and temporary. Kybella may also cause numbness in the treatment area. This is because Kybella destroys the fat cells, and the fat cells help to cushion and protect the nerves.

When administered incorrectly, Kybella may cause temporary nerve damage, resulting in pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness in the Kybella-treated area. Kybella may also cause difficulty swallowing or difficulty moving the head and neck.

These much more severe symptoms only happen if the one who administered your Kybella shot is inexperienced or lacks the proper training. Kybella is a very safe and effective treatment when administered correctly by a certified Kybella provider.

Is Kybella the Best?

Comparing the pros and cons of Kybella makes it much easier to decide if Kybella is the best cosmetic procedure available to get rid of your double chin.

Kybella has many benefits, making it an excellent choice for getting rid of your double chin. Kybella is minimally-invasive, does not require any anesthesia or surgery, has little to no downtime, and the results last a long time. Indeed, with these benefits outweigh the cons (having mild side effects that subside in a couple of days), many people would choose this immediately.


Kybella is indeed the best procedure to get rid of your double chin. It has a lot of benefits that make Kybella an excellent choice for getting rid of your double chin. Kybella is minimally-invasive, does not require any anesthesia or surgery, has little to no downtime, and the results last a long time. Kybella is also a safe and effective treatment when a certified Kybella provider is administered correctly.

Thus, you must always get Kybella from registered clinics to avoid serious complications. Vyla Aesthetics has got you covered. With their state-of-the-art technology and innovations, those receiving Kybella from them are always very satisfied with the results. They also have other skincare and wellness treatments that aim to bring out your best version in each step. Say goodbye to imperfections with Vyla!


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